1. What is the GTS?
The GTS™ stands for the Garrett Trading Signal. It is Market Street Smarts' primary and proprietary trading tool. In addition to two other proprietary secondary tools we offer, we focus only on the overall U.S. equity markets based on the data we collect, mine, and act upon. The S&P 500 index, Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA), NASDAQ composite, Russell 2000 index, New York Stock Exchange composite (NYSE), and Wilshire 5000 index are all covered under the GTS. The U.S. bond market and any foreign markets such as the European or Asian markets are not directly covered under this specific indicator. However, because many of these indices either follow or move inversely to the U.S. equity markets, the GTS still tends to give excellent clues as to where those markets may go next too. For example, if we anticipate the U.S. stock market to fall imminently, overseas markets will probably follow it within that same time frame.
2. What makes your service any better than the multitude of others out there?
For starters, we have outperformed both the market AND the great bulk of the active investment management industry for over a decade. Moreover, we practice what we preach here at Market Street Smarts. We don't give wild, attention grabbing, let alone doomsday (or bubble-like) predictions. Furthermore, the calls we do make are real and backed up with our own money behind it. Novel? No. Boring? Maybe. Consistently profitable? Absolutely! Therefore, as a subscriber, you will have access to follow in real time (based on the Market Street Smarts Road map newsletter release date) not only what we believe and say but also our actual trading results. These are not simulated trades done with virtual money back tested in some academic lab. This is the real deal. We literally put our money where our mouth is unlike many other investment newsletter services out there. In every issue, we also provide plenty of additional, frequently well-timed opportunities for profit. Also, we are not a fancy hedge fund outfit or mutual fund that makes money by charging you fees primarily off of your assets covered up with expensive promises and/or empty if not money-losing results. For further proof, see our Track Record illustrating our actual long-term performance record.
3. I notice I cannot view the Tutorial section on how to apply the Market Street Smarts’ strategy. Why is it blocked for me?
Only paid-up subscribers have access to the Tutorial section as it relates to how to interpret each issue of the newsletter for their trading decisions. Think about it. If you don't buy a Jaguar automobile, do you have access to its car manual?
4. Does Market Street Smarts use fancy algorithms that automatically decide when and what to buy or sell?
No! This is another feature that makes us very different from most others in this age of high-tech frequency traders, etc. Our strategy is actively managed by real, live human beings, not robots. In fact, our proprietary tools are human derived meaning they are adjusted and constantly interpreted in real time on a daily basis by our own human staff. The trading programs have not completely taken over and we have shown that we can outperform them over the long haul. We also don't have any need nor do we desire to focus on the millisecond day trade as that is not our strategy. That is why, and thankfully, we humans will never be left in the dust by machines. There is always hope! Learn more.
5. If the strategy is so good, why are you sharing it with the world?
First, Market Street Smarts is not sharing it with the world. If you think so, you have a great attitude because you believe a monthly charge of only $19.95 is practically free if not a relatively small price to pay for our service compared to the myriad of others out there. And that is true! It is a great return on investment relative to others in the marketplace. Moreover, here at Market Street Smarts, we tremendously enjoy making money on our trades. But what gives us more satisfaction is making a real difference in other peoples' lives when they make money too. Better yet, the market has made money off of people like us for far too long, so we enjoy helping others finally take control of their lives by making that money back. Check out our services.
6. I notice Market Street Smarts uses options as part of its trading strategy. That seems complex to me. What are they?
They are not complex provided you understand what they are and the significant risks inherent in them. Options are financial instruments that allow us to simply go long or short an underlying security or exchange traded fund (etf). We only apply simple long/short trades with options. Many traders use options for more complicated trading strategies though. For more information on options, we recommend you visit
7. Who are the person(s) behind Market Street Smarts?
We are professional traders and investors who have worked diligently to uncover this successful trading system built up over the past fifteen years. And what matters most is not who we are but what we do for you that counts. It is not about our identities but our results. Please click here to see for yourself. We pride ourselves with the utmost humility because we know the markets can giveth but taketh away just as quickly. We believe subscribers should primarily focus on our strategy and have it work successfully for them just like it has for us over time.
8. Is your website secure?
Yes. Once you click the subscribe button on our home page, you are automatically redirected through a secure and encrypted connection. Also, the address bar of the webpage will display “https://” and a padlock icon to let you know our site is secure. In addition, member-only areas of the website are encrypted too with an additional layer of protection upon viewing them.
9. What subscriptions do you offer?
We offer a monthly subscription for only $19.95. We also offer a 3-month subscription for $65. If you want to save an additional 25% off, subscribing to the 12-month service at $195 gives you much more value for your dollar (see FAQ #10 below). All subscriptions are paid in advance. The subscription will be automatically renewed on the monthly, quarterly or annual anniversary date, respectively.
In other words, the initial subscription is valid for a period starting on the date of purchase and continuing through the same day of the following month, 3 months or year forward, depending on the duration of subscription. For example, if on June 18, 2016 you purchased a yearly subscription, your initial subscription fee entitles you to subscription benefits until June 18, 2017 and your Payment Card will be charged again on June 18, 2017 for the next period.
You can cancel at any time prior to the anniversary date and your subscription will not be renewed. However, there are no refunds for any remaining months already billed for. For instance, if your purchase anniversary date is Nov. 5, 2016, and you cancel your subscription on Nov. 20, 2016, your subscription will remain active until Nov. 5, 2017 and will not be automatically renewed again.
10. I see you offer two subscription tiers. Why should I pay more and find out if the $195 12-month subscription is any better for me than a 3-month introductory subscription for $65?
First, a 12-month subscription will save you an additional 25% off versus choosing four quarterly subscriptions over the same period of time. Thus, you get more for your money just by subscribing annually versus quarterly. In addition, while the 3-month subscription will give one a taste of the Market Street Smarts’ approach, usually subscribers find this subscription will not give them enough time to completely observe and fully understand the trends we trade. Moreover, market timing is extraordinarily difficult to accomplish on its own let alone learning our strategy to help succeed at it. Hence, we find in general that there will be a learning curve up to about six months to a year before one can be really successful adopting our methodology. Most importantly, some of our own trades last more than several months at a time, so a 3-month subscription may not be enough time for those subscribers who are simply following the timing of our own trades to observe to completion the results of trades we initially entered into.
11. How do I subscribe (become a member) to your newsletter service?
To subscribe to our services: 1. Click subscribe or on the subscribe button (not the sign-up button) on the home page (or as a link found elsewhere on our website), then select one of the package links at the bottom of the next page. Afterwards, a form will display. Click the subscribe button at the top of this form and fill in all required information including your name, email address, phone number, payment data, etc. on the next page. 2. Return to and click the sign-up button. Enter username (must be same email address for payment processing in step 1) and any password of your choosing. 3. After Market Street Smarts processes your payment information, you will receive an email within the next 1-2 business days approving your membership with the given username and password. 4. Once enrolled, you can then log in to our member-only areas of the website accessing the latest bi-monthly newsletter edition, tutorial, and access to all previous releases.
12. How can I change my account from a quarterly to yearly subscription?
Send an email to With your request, please include your username. You will be charged for the yearly subscription on your next billing date. Allow 1-2 business days for the change to be reflected in your account settings.
13. Can I order by phone or fax, and/or pay by check?
Currently, we do not accept orders via phone or fax. We accept payment using any major credit or debit card. We accept payment through PayPal. We do not accept checks of any kind.
14. When is your newsletter released and how will I receive it?
The Market Street Smarts Road Map is released around the beginning and middle of every calendar month. It will be immediately available directly on our website to paid-up subscribers. Under the Services tab from our home page, select Market Street Smarts Road Map - Current and log in with your username (email address) and password to view. All past issues are chronologically ordered and titled by date for members to view too.
15. If I should have any further questions or comments, what is the best way of contacting Market Street Smarts?
The best way to get in touch with Market Street Smarts is email where you can reach us at Very important: Please do not send emails with any attachments or links therein as they will not be opened under any circumstances. Also, check your spam/trash folders to make sure future emails from us are sent to your inbox.